Special Hockey Team

Hi Hudson Special Hockey Families-

The 2025 Hudson Special Hockey season is just around the corner. We're looking forward to seeing your athletes take the ice!

Hudson Special Hockey Team: 

As a member of the Hudson Special Hockey team, your player must:

  • Move independently & be able to use their stick
  • Perform drills at each station
  • Play in a full ice hockey game with scoring, music & buzzers
  • Interact appropriately with all athletes in a team sport atmosphere & game /scrimmage environment (we plan to invite other teams to play with us in a united format)
  • Demonstrate good sportsmanship, follow our Code of Conduct and understand Zero Tolerance policy.
  • All athletes must wear full hockey gear and a helmet for safety and liability reasons.


Monday, March 31 from 6:55 to 8:00 PM 
Monday, April 7 from 6:55 to 8:00 PM 
Monday, April 14 from 6:55 to 8:00 PM 
Monday, April 21 from 6:55 to 8:00 PM 
Monday, April 28 from 6:10 to 7:10PM **Note the time change.
Monday, May 5 from 6:10 to 7:10PM ** Note the time change.

Please note:

1) In an effort to streamline the entry/exit process, we're asking that athletes arrive at the rink in as much gear as possible. If your athlete is comfortable walking into the rink with skates, please consider purchasing skate guards at St Croix Sports or online at Pure Hockey. We are happy to show you how to properly tie skates and secure helmets. We will have volunteers on hand for those who need assistance, but we appreciate your support in doing as much as you can ahead of time. 

2) For insurance reasons, all athletes must be registered through American Special Hockey. Please complete this registration form and send a screenshot or picture of the completed registration to Lisa Bonhus: bonhusl@gmail.com Registration must be completed before the first ice session on March 3rd.  https://www.specialhockey.org/page/show/5887416-registration

If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask! Questions can be directed to:

Jamie Schultz- info@jamieschultzdesigns.com • 651-341-4098 (text preferred)


 Hudson Special Hockey


* : required

2025 Hudson Special Hockey Registration

Player First Name:*
Player Last Name:
Parent Name (First and Last):*
Parent Email:*
Parent Phone Number:*
Mailing Address:*
Player Age:*
Player Shoe Size (Please indicate "Youth", "Men", or "Women" Sizing.):*
Players Sweatshirt Size (Please indicate "Youth" or "Adult"):*
Does your athlete have a Hudson Special Hockey jersey?*
Please indicate the type of disability for your player.:*
Please explain your child's disability. The more we know, the better the experience he/she will have with Special Hockey.:
Are they any adaptations, equipment, requests that would help your child on the ice? (Examples: Your athlete uses a wheelchair so would need a hockey sled.):
Does your athlete skate independently or do they prefer using a skating aid/chair/etc...?
You acknowledge you and your athlete must sign the Code of Conduct form included in the welcome letter that was emailed to you. Please print that form and bring a signed copy to the first ice session.:*
Add to Cart:*
Total Due:$0